Almost everything we’re trying to do in Agile coaching is behaviour change and all the interesting changes are happening at an unconscious level.

In his book Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman refers to this unconscious behaviour as “System 1”1, that part of our mind that reacts instinctively and rapidly.

There are some simple cases where rationally deciding to change is enough to get that new behaviour although that’s rarely adequate. Ask a smoker or a gambler why they haven’t quit when all the logic says they should. Changing unconscious behaviour requires more than just a logical argument.

On this site and the associated training classes, we’ll look into the foundational skills for unconscious behaviour change. Taking from practical neuroscience, psychology, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, body language and other domains, we’ll give you a mix of theory and practical tips to elevate your skills.

The logo used on this site is from Pixabay and created by ElisaRiva.


The site itself is run by Gargoyle Software and primarily written by Mike Bowler, although we also invite guest contributors, who we know personally, to join us here.

Mike Bowler
Mike Bowler
Ellen Grove
Ellen Grove
  1. More on System 1 and System 2 in this article