Feeling stressed? Getting out in nature might be that quick fix that you need.

Hiking trail through the woods
Hiking trail in Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park, BC, Canada

When we’re stressed, our body is flooded with cortisol, which makes us feel horrible. Being out in nature for at least 20 minutes can drop that cortisol level significantly.

A 2019 study published in Frontiers in Psychology, showed that the cortisol drop from being in nature were at their greatest between 20 and 30 minutes and that benefits continued to accrue after that time, albeit at a slower rate. So try to get out into nature for at least 20 minutes.

Reducing cortisol isn’t the only benefit of being out in nature. If you’re in a forest, you will be inhaling essential oils called phytoncide which trees emit to protect themselves from germs and insects. These phytoncides have the benefit of improving our immune system so not only will we feel better, out immune system will be getting stronger.

Of all the ways I teach to reduce anxiety, this is the one that I personally use the most. I try to get out in nature for at least an hour a day.